Estimated Dispatch date for New Year's postcards and Mourning postcard (Address print needs additional 1 business day.)

  • TA-Q-BIN:
    Estimated dispatch date is 04月03日 (Thu).

New Years Photo PostcardsHigh quality new years photo postcards created by the photo specialists!

(New years postcards with AgX print)

  • kodak

    Send new years greetings with KJI photo postcards! Select from various designs including animal symbols and characters.

On-Demand Print PostcardsSelect a new year postcard from various designs!

(New years postcards with direct on-demand print)

  • print

    Select a postcard print from varieties of designs - from standard to stylish!

Mourning PostcardsSay thank you to your grateful people.

  • mochu

    Get prepared early for your grateful message. Postal cards and private postcards are available.

Print ServicesPrint after shooting! Output your precious memory!

  • photoprint

    Make photo prints from smartphone or digital camera data, or even from digitalized AgX films!

Winter Greeting PostcardsFor seasonal greetings and replies to New Years cards!

  • winter

    Winter greeting card