Photobook Price list


Products PricePrice (inc. VAT) Additional PagesPrice (inc. VAT)
Photobook_200x200_SQ_Hard_AgX 5,698 yen 484 yen
Photobook_A4_Hard_AgX 6,072 yen 484 yen

Shipping & Handling Fee

Products Price Price (inc. VAT)
Yu-Pack 550 yen
Yu-Packet 220 yen
Charges for payment at convenience store 253 yen
Charges for internet bank transfer 253 yen

Cash on Delivery Handling Charge

Products Price Price (inc. VAT)
Up to 30,000 Yen 330 yen
Up to 100,000 Yen 550 yen
Up to 200,000 Yen 880 yen
Up to 300,000 Yen 990 yen